Tuesday, April 26, 2016

#GEN2243 For Life !

Exploring my digital portfolio has been a very useful and creative experience for me. #Gen2243 has truly opened my eyes to how important the use of different tools and technology is to your education and career. As a young college student and professional I have been able to use everything that I've learned this semester in and outside of the classroom. A major component of this course was building a Personal Learning Network, and in the process of doing so I have been able to interact with professionals and really establish myself on social networks. I was lucky enough to find a great job and summer internship right out of college, so this course couldn't have come at a better time for me. I have been struggling with this transition from a procrastinating college student to a full time professional, and the digital tools that we've used throughout this course have been a great help. Tweeting and blogging have become two of my favorite ways to network and have been the most valuable. I was at first discouraged when I realized how much this course geared toward the education field, but many of the topics we discussed were relevant to my career. One of the most important topics we discussed was proper social media etiquette. This gave me the opportunity to research a professional in my intended career field who was fired over an inappropriate Facebook post.


For our App Smackdown we were each required to get up in front of the class to give a short 2 minute synopsis of an app and how it relates to your major or intended career. I actually found a great one called CamCard, which provides you with the opportunity to scan and store any business cards for free! I have since used this app on several different occasions to store important contact information for work and even created my own business card that I can share via text or email.


#GEN2243 has met with some very inspirational educators and professionals consistently throughout the semester on Google hangout. We recently had the opportunity to hear from educator Robyn Hrivnatz, who is currently employed at Microsoft as a Senior Teacher Engagement Manager for U.S. Education managing, Astronaut Abby, an aspiring scientist and astronaut who dreams of being the first to land on Mars, and Adam Taylor, a high school science teacher who created the website scistuchat.com, where students can make connections between science and their world and interact with real scientists through twitter. They have each been able to provide us with great advice on how to expand our PLN and connect with professionals using Twitter and LinkedIn. I am glad that I was able to actually interact with such amazing professionals while using Google hangout for the first time!

Presentation Tools!

I was so excited to learn the different advanced presentation tools which were each great alternatives to the traditional PowerPoint. Prezi was one of my favorites and I have been using it ever since. Haiku Deck and Google Slides are also two great ways to spice up your presentation.


I recommend this #GEN2243 course to all Stockton Seniors who are about to venture off into a world of advanced technology to build a career !


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