Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tools For Learning and Socia Media Etiquette

Chapter 5 of The Connected Educator highlights a variety of tools for learning and connecting through social bookmarking, networking, and blogging. It describes popular bookmarking websites like Delicious and Diigo, where you can save and tag your online resources. Tags, are keywords that you use to describe the content you are organizing for easier retrieval later. As you can see, these are commonly used in blogs to help you find all posts corresponding to keywords. Blogging is an importance resource online for connecting and collaborating to build your PLN (personal learning network). Many people, especially young adults view and utilize Twitter as just a social network, however it is actually an important microblogging service that can be used to perform the necessary functions for connecting and collaborating with professionals.  If you are looking for social network sites that will be practical and valuable for you check out Ning, which also allows you to connect, interact, and collaborate with others by building and cultivating your own community.
As a professional you must be aware of appropriate social media etiquette and the Do's and Dont's, especially while building your career. The internet offers employers a gold mine of information about their hires. Before hitting send on a tweet or post, make sure that it's the best representation of you, your family and your workplace. If possible, make sure that everything you post is appropriate for all audiences.

Last week I did a social media etiquette presentation on Michael A. Allred, who is a former employee of the department of public safety and correctional services. He was fired for an inappropriate Facebook post about the guards at a prison facility where he tagged his new prison chief. After all the scandal in the system with corrections officers having sex and children with the inmates, a Facebook post by the now-former top aide could have made the state's prison system the punchline of many a joke. Allred’s response to tight security did nothing but display his ignorance and lack of professionalism. After 11 news began publicly questioning prison chief Steve Moyer about his employee's post, Allred was terminated immediately. This incident serves as a great example of why you must handle your social media accounts with grace as a professional. You must know what to avoid while using these sites, because today one wrong post can interfere with a great job opportunity and negatively impact your future. Be Social Media Savvy! 



  1. I agree with you when using social media people need to be become more savvy. Posting more positive feedback on them to ensure the safety of not only others saying things but to save yourself. You could easily lose your job over social media if you do not think smartly about it.

  2. It is scary to know that with leaving digital footprints our online skeletons are exposed. Anything you create, write, post, and put a picture of can be found even if deleted. People need to be more aware and take precautions before posting and possibly ruining their lives.
