Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Combining Your Personal Learning Network With Evernote

   In The Connected Educator, authors Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Lani Ritter Hall describe the term personal learning network as being one that is used interchangeably and often misunderstood. Personal learning network, along with other literary terms on professional learning communities, have been used in conjunction with one another so often that they have lost much of their meaning. I am in the process of expanding the quality of my PLN and have found that while doing so, it is important to fully understand the term. When using the acronym, it has been so easy for me to mistake the P for professional, when in fact personal is what differentiates it from other terms. This learning system is about you as an individual, and how you select your own set of connections as you pursue self-directed and independent learning experiences. It is all about you gathering information and sharing resources that enhance your personal and professional learning. This semester I have the opportunity to do this using my twitter account. I am looking forward to connecting with professionals in my intended field. Chapter two of this book not only addresses common language but also developing a connected learning model altogether.

An important step to becoming a professional and putting this to practice is to be organized. To do so you must develop a workspace. My attention has just been drawn to a great app that helps you do this, and also allows you to gather and share research. The app is called Evernote, and is designed for note-taking, organizing, and archiving. Chapter 6 of the book also lists this app as a useful tool for starting your PLN. "Choosing the right tool for the job is important". The Simplified Evernote Guide serves as a great introduction to the app because it includes tutorials that show you how to work certain features. Sharing your notes and collaborating with other individuals and groups using this app could be very essential to your personal learning network, and steps on how to use this feature is found in video 4. However, there are many more things you can learn to ensure that you are using this platform to its full potential. If you want to quickly master Evernote there are 10 Tricks that will help you do so. Some of these tips include using presentation mode and web clipper, but one that I find to be useful is the IFTTT action. This allows you  to back up all your tweets to Evernote, where you can later search through and share without having to scroll through a hundred pages. This app can be used to organize just about everything and is another great way to get started ! 

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